Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Order of the Day - Continuing

13 June 2018

Stock  buy num Cost      sell Low sellHigh %down

WHC 5.640 1,449.28 8,173.91 4.95 7.02 12.234
IJR 113.870 96.43 10,980.71 103.5 134.61 9.107
IRU 221.500 52.63 11,657.89 202.5 259.5 8.578
BAP 6.85 188.68 1,292.45 6.32 7.91 7.74
MFF 2.57 588.24 1,511.76 2.4 2.91 6.61
QUS 34.38 42.02 1,444.54 32 39.14 6.92

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