Friday, September 14, 2012

Tip - EAX

Definition TIP = very little fundamental analysis, very very quick technical analysis.

Detailed: Each tip is obtained from some selection criteria which identifies a worthwhile looking stock. Then a very brief commentary and its graph are posted here.

Before going to today's tip, LOOK UP the price for our previous Tip: NUF and JHX and check against

Today's main exciting stock is: EAX - ENERGY ACTION LTD FPO
Fundamentally, the earnings have been rising - this could be one main factor driving the price action. The price rise is strong with the moving average of short leading the long term. The price has broken away from a period of flatness.

MCR - Mincor Resources.
The price action shows the downward trend is tapering off. Recently it looks as if it has bottomed and rising slightly. Although this is early stages, it may be good to keep watch of this. From a fundamental view, the earnings has plummeted for some time, but also showing signs of tapering off.

PMV - Premier Investments.
This is showing potential upturn, but one should be more cautious. Although it looks like coming off from a bottom, it has not decisively change the major downtrend pattern. Also there is no indication of increased earnings.

REH -  Reece Australia
The price actions looks to be coming off very smoothly from a bottom. Again caution is needed because the earnings is still at the bottom.

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